K5/VSSP (IP-VLBI) Software Correlator

Recent Update History
  • 2021-10-04 new archive(2021-11-04).

Software List

Version 2017-10-09 and after
A-priori Calculation
apri_calc a priori parameter calculation (both standard schedule file and VEX file are supported)
skdchk check disk size required for K5/VSSP observation

Correlation Processings
cor XF-type software correlator dedicated to 1 bit sampling data processing
cor_all "cor" for two or more scan data
fx_cor FX-type purpose software correlator
fx_cor_all "fx_cor" for two or more scan data
cor_new software correlator dedicated to 1 bit sampling data supporting a variety of data formats (Mark5B, VDIF, ADS, OCTAD, VSSP)
cor_all_new "cor_new" for two or more scan data
fx_cor_new general purpose software correlator supporting a variety of data formats (Mark5B, VDIF, ADS, OCTAD, VSSP)
fx_cor_all_new "fx_cor_new" for two or more scan data
cor_mon display correlation function dynamically (support only PGPLOT)
sdelay coarse fringe search (2nd order search, fringe phase and amp plot, PCAL phase and amp plot were newly implemented)

Data Check
oscillo display sampled data dynamically (for K5/VSSP) (support PGPLOT only)
speana display spectrum for K5/VSSP data file
speana2 display spectrum for K5/VSSP data file (more powerful than speana)
speana_n display spectrum dynamically for K5/VSSP data (support PGPLOT only)
g_speana display spectrum of data supporting a variety of data formats (Mark5B, VDIF, ADS, OCTAD, VSSP)
datachk K5/VSSP data check
pcalcheck monitor PCAL phase and amplitude in a K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32 data file (recommended graphics is PGPLOT)
vdifcheck check VDIF file
speana_vdif display spectrum for VDIF format data
m5check file format check of Mark5 data (automatic judging in 8|16|32|64 track mode), and display header block without sync check>
m5time dispaly time label of Mark5 data
m5btime display time label in Mark5B format data
m5vex_ana Vex file analysis

Data Edit (dedicated to K5/VSSP format)
datacut shorten data period (size)
datatime_edit edit time field data of K5/VSSP and K5/VSSP32 data
extdata extract a certain channel data from K5 binary data and write out as an ascii data file
four2one convert 4ch K5 data file to 1ch K5 data file
one2four conbine four 1-ch K5 data file to one 4-ch K5 data file
data_half reduce the sampling rate of K5 data file half by re-sampling the data every 2 samples
data_double double the sampling rate by inserting a dummy sample as same as the sample just one sample before
adbitconv change A/D converter resolution of K5 data file (already existed) artificially
data_recov recover corrupted header of K5/VSSP and K5/VSSP32 data file
aux_recov recover AUX field in header of K5/VSSP32 data file

Data Format Conversion
k5tom5b convert K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32 format to Mark5B format
k5tom5 convert K5 to Mark5 (K5/VSSP32 is supported)
k5tovdif convert K5 to VDIF format
ads2k5 convert ADS3000+(DBBC mode) format to K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32
m5btok5 convert Mark5B format to K5/VSSP format
m5tok5 convert Mark5 to K5 (all mode are supported)
vdif2k5 convert VDIF to K5/VSSP32 format
vdif2m5b convert VDIF to Mark5B format

Installation of K5/VSSP (IP-VLBI) Software Correlator

How to Install

1. download ipvlbi_cor20211104.tar.gz (Ver.2021-11-04) to an adequate directory.
2. decompress an archive file.

tar xvzf ipvlbi_corXXXXXXXX.tar.gz

3. change working directory.

cd ipvlbiXXXXXXXX

4. Execute "make" as follows.
    make T=COR [F=FFTW] [G=GNUPLOT]

      where F=FFTW     ---  use FFTW package for FFT (default is FFT included in the software correlator package)
            G=GNUPLOT  ---  use GNUPLOT for graphics instead of PGPLOT
High-speed FFT becomes possible by using the F=FFTW option when FFTW package has been already installed.
(Note 2018/09/27 : Recent version doesn't maintain grpahics using GNUPLOT. Therefore if the graphics display fails, use PGPLOT.)
5. set up your environment.

In case that installed directory is, e.g., $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX
make symbolic link as follows.

    ln -s $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX $HOME/ipvlbi
if link has been already existed, issue command with "f" option as follows.
    ln -sf $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX $HOME/ipvlbi
then add following description in your resource file (e.g., .bashrc).
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ipvlbi/bin      (for .bashrc)
    setenv PATH $PATH:$HOME/ipvlbi/bin      (for .cshrc)
You can exexute all K5 programs by merely re-link a symbolic link when new version is installed.

Archives with version after 2010-02-08 includes man page files. Therefore you can use K5 software man page by adding following description in your resource file (e.g., .bashrc).

    export MANPATH=$HOME/ipvlbi/man:$MANPATH   (for .bashrc)
    setenv MANPATH $HOME/ipvlbi/man:$MANPATH   (for .cshrc)
e.g., you can issue "man cor" to know how to execute it. "man k5cor" tells about all K5 software correlation programs and utilities with brief instructions.
- for clean install,
make clean
then "make" again

Use of FFTW Package

To install FFTW, please refer http://www.fftw.org/

How to Check

Actual K5/VSSP data are available for the purpose of correlation software check.
There is a set of data as follows;

(in case of 10 seconds data)

  1) Download apeXY10.txt, Xk5data.10.dat, and Yk5data.10.dat to the "corr" directory (folder).
  2) At "corr" directory, execute
       cor ./apeXY10.txt
       fx_cor ./apeXY10.txt
  3) Compare your results with "cor_10.gif" or "fx_cor_10.gif"

Actual Correlation Processing

Correlation Processing



latest and previous archives

Update History (since October 2003)

updated on November 4, 2021