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(Download pdf version of the poster in English [17 MB])
(Download pdf version of the poster in Japanese [17 MB])

The workshop has finished succesfully!

We are very grateful to all the participants. click to enlarge photos

Other photos can be find from here (user/password required)

Scientific Rationale

Since the release of the first EAVN call for proposal in April 2018, the EAVN array is now in its real operation with 10 stations (KaVA, Tianma, Nanshan and Nobeyama). The EAVW-2019 will be the first meeting after this milestone, while an increasing number of exciting results are coming out with KaVA, the core array of EAVN. We will discuss and highlight various science topics studied by EAVN/KaVA as well as by individual VLBI facilities VERA/KVN/CVN/JVN. This will include active galactic nuclei, star formation, evolved stars, astrometry, micro quasars, pulsars, transients, multi-messenger science etc. We will also highlight various ongoing developments of the array capability and instruments as well as the near-future expansion of the network into Ibaraki, Yamaguchi, Kunming, Thailand, Italy, Australia etc. Moreover, the VLBI community in East Asia is increasingly involved with EHT and SKA. Therefore we will also discuss how EAVN can play a unique role in the era of such huge facilities. This will include "EAVN-high" that includes JCMT/GLT and "EAVN-low" that includes FAST, as well as joining a global VLBI network.

Invited Speakers

Here is the list of confirmed invited speakers:
Tao An:                       SKA / low-frequency VLBI
Keiichi Asada:                EAVN-high
Geoff Bower:                  EHT and M87 results
Marcello Giroletti:           EVN and EATING VLBI
Taufiq Hidayat:               Radio astronomy in Indonesia
Phrudth Jaroenjittichai:      Radio astronomy in Thailand and TNRT
Hideyuki Kobayashi:           Overview of VLBI in East Asia
Di Li:                        FAST
Tomoki Morokuma:              Multi-wavelength/Multi-messenger astronomy
Masanori Nakamura:            AGN jets theory
Zamri Zainal Abidin:          Radio astronomy in Malaysia

We will also have review talks from the four EAVN Science Working Groups
Motoki Kino & Sohn Bong Won:  AGN Sci. WG overview
Tomoya Hirota & Kee-Tae Kim:  Star Formation Sci. WG overview 
Hiroshi Imai & Youngjoo Yun:  Evolved Star Sci. WG overview
Nobuyuki Sakai & Chungsik Oh: Astrometry Sci. WG overview


presentation files are uploaded (01/Oct./2019)
group photos are uploaded (28/Sep./2019>
registration fee (10/Sep./2019)
We are acceptable Japanse cash only at the registration desk.
participants list updated (01/Sep./2019)
Science Working Group page added (01/Sep./2019)


1st announcement (May/24/2019)
2nd announcement (June/10/2019)
final announcement (Sep./19/2019)


submission of titles for participants who require a visa (July/10/2019)
hotel reservation (July/25/2019)
submission of titles and abstract for all participants (Aug./10/2019)

if you have any questions, please feel free to contact to LOC anytime at

Co-sponsored by
  College of Science, Ibaraki University,
  Center for Astronomy, Ibaraki University,
  Priority Research on New Developments of Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Ibaraki University.
Endorsed by
  Mito Tourism & Convention Association.