The present burst was first detected on Jan./14/2019 by Ibaraki 6.7 GHz Methanol Maser Monitor (iMet).
Please refer to the following papers:
Yonekura et al. in preparation (for the present burst)
Sugiyama et al. (2019) ATel #12446 (for the present burst)
Yonekura et al. (2016) PASJ, 68,74 (for the iMet monitoring program and the equipment)
R.A.(J2000) = 17h 43m 10.02s
DEC.(J2000) = -29d 51' 45.8''
daily spectra
Dynamic spectra
(top left) after burst (log scale), (top right) after burst (linear scale)
(bottom left) all data (log scale), (bottom right) all data (linear scale)
click to enlarge

MJD = 56294 (2012/Dec./03) - MJD = 59162 (2020/Nov./09)
MJD = 56294 (2012/Dec./03) - MJD = 59162 (2020/Nov./09) high_speed
MJD = 58000 (2017/Sep./04) - MJD = 59162 (2020/Nov./09)
MJD = 58000 (2017/Sep./04) - MJD = 58800 (2019/Nov./13)
MJD = 58500 (2019/Jan./17) - MJD = 58800 (2019/Nov./13)
Light curves
2013/Jan./01 => MHD = 56293
2019/Jan./01 => MJD = 58484
2019/Apr./01 => MJD = 58574
2019/Jul./01 => MJD = 58665
2019/Oct./01 => MJD = 58757
2020/Jan./01 => MJD = 58849
2020/Apr./01 => MJD = 58940
2020/Jul./01 => MJD = 59031
2020/Oct./01 => MJD = 59123
burst period (MJD = 58500-58800), log scale / linear scale
burst period and after (MJD = 58500-59200), log scale / linear scale
all (MJD = 56250-59200), log scale / linear scale

older information
May05th => doy=125 => MJD=58608

Mar.25th => doy=084 => MJD=58567

Mar.12th => doy=071 => MJD=58554

Feb.26th => doy=057 => MJD=58540